September Set

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An Ode to Toni

A Reflection by Crystal

What can I say about Toni. Piercing prose and a fierce love of Black people. We have lost a light in this world that is needed as we are consumed by a darkness based on racism. But, her light will never die as her spirit lives forever on in her books. Her words will always comfort us and remind those many shades lighter than us of their duty. A quote I have always loved by Toni says that, “We cannot be the doctor and the patient.” For me, these words sum up race relations in America.

 My wish and what I think Toni was saying in this quote is for Black people to step out of this dual role, and for white people to take on the role of the doctor to cure the racism that lives in some of their hearts and continues to be perpetuated in the ugliest fashion across every level of society. We have taken the world on our shoulders in this country and Toni’s books show the horror and the love of this burden, unapologetically.

Her books should never be banned. Her words should always be heard. We should be proud she lived to represent us and never backed down or shied away from her role as a writer, as a mother, and as a Black woman.