September Set

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Summing Up 2022: A Time of Healing

“Healing is a matter of time, but it is sometimes also a matter of opportunity”. – Hippocrates

Yes, a time of healing! Many may not know that I have been recovering from a major car accident most of 2022. On Valentine’s day, my vehicle was hit by a driver making an illegal turn during rush hour traffic. In a just moment, I went from heading to work to being hospitalized with fractures to the rib cage, pelvic bone and right leg. Needless to say, this and a totaled car kept me off the road for a while. But, not being able to drive was least of my worries. First, lets acknowledge the pain. The pain of real breaks in multiple areas of my body. Yikes! You name it and there was pain….to sit up, talk, walk, laugh and breathe. Everything hurt, seriously. The pain of not being my independent self was also real. Needing anything from anyone is not my norm and was out of my comfort depending on others. For my basic needs to be met, I needed others, simply put. I couldn’t cook, clean, care for my pets, or travel to appointments without the help of those who cared about me. It was the love of friends and family, as well as the ability to surrender and be relentless that helped me through the trauma. I was reminded of the significance of grace, self-care, and positive thinking. It was a combination of factors that supported my healing and I’m glad to share it all with you as they are necessary beyond trauma. Because of these factors, I rebounded well and I’m grateful. Ultimately, I am thankful to have been able to celebrate another birthday, transition from doctoral student to doctoral candidate, see 20 years in my career as an educator and have you, my September Set family. As I say farewell to 2022, I am happy to enter a new year emboldened with gratitude. It is my hope that we all find ourselves wiser and stronger in 2023. Now, onward and upward!