Adornment in the Fall: Lets talk about Accessories

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You got it... be bold! Remember that you naturally possess your best accessories. Let them illustrate what you want to convey.

  • Face – Your face is like a canvas, it can illustrate your story- Nora Piroglu of Native Beauty Spa, DC

  • Nails - "Jewels not tools" -Indigo Makong, Nail Stylist, DC

  • Hair - "Your hair should speak even when you don't want to" -Ashleigh Taylor of Taylor&York Salon, DC

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Gilded: Ornamenting yourself in silver and/or gold can compliment your shine well.


 In the bag: We love a good handbag that provides a statement. In our bags, there are two bestsellers that we don't leave home without.


Maintain a continuum of the Summer glow with Pat McGrath Labs Skin Fetish Highlighter & Balm Duo. It has awesome ingredients like aloe, argan oil and hyaluronic acid; which help give your face a glowing dewy look well after the Summer months.

Stay perfectly glossed up with Gloss Bomb in Fenty Glow by Rhianna's Fenty Beauty. This beautifully packaged tube provides universal appeal because it can be worn by anyone, anytime of day.