September Set

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With Sunny Days Ahead

“When the sun is shining I can do anything; no mountain is too high, no trouble too difficult to overcome.” -Wilma Rudolph

Nora Piraglu of Native Beauty reminds us that great skin comes from the inside out. Hydration, a healthy diet and a healthy and consistent skincare routine make all the difference. During hot and sunny days, being intentional about skincare is important to prevent sun damage and dehydration. Here are a few tips:

·      Drinking plenty of water is essential.

·      Resist taking too hot showers or baths as they dry the skin out.

·      After showering or bathing, apply lotion or body oil when the skin is still damp.

·      Don’t forget to moisturize the entire body, including your neck, hands and feet!

·      Schedule a facial at least quarterly.

·      Ensure vitamin intake with well-balanced diet, supplements or vitamin treatments.

·      Don’t forget the sunscreen. It is a must!